It’s been a long while in the planning but on Thursday 25 April, Uckfield’s Youth Club facility reopened to a group of 20+ year 7 students from Uckfield College.
The decision to re-open the Youth Club grew out of local community safety meetings involving Sussex Police some 12 months ago between community groups and local businesses. The meetings addressed concerns relating to youth crime and anti-social behaviour, leading to successes in a reduction of youth-related crime in Uckfield and the surrounding area. The conclusions were that to prevent similar problems occurring in the future, a longer-term plan would be needed to engage young people.
The Youth Club project team included Sussex Police, ESCC Youth Services, Tesco, Uckfield Town Council, Uckfield Volunteer Bureau and the Chamber. We felt that to make this happen we would fund the costs in year one so long as there is a plan to ensure longer term sustainability of the project. The Club will provide a safe place for young people to socialise, take part in sport and other activities.
The Youth Club will operate every Thursday evening from 6.00-8.00pm for current year 7s with a view to expanding to the next year group after the summer. The Club will be managed by ESCC youth workers and we already have 4 volunteers that can support the work, all of whom will be DBS checked via the Volunteer Bureau. If anyone would like to get involved, please get in touch – the more volunteers, the more young people we can support.
Pictured is Chamber President, Chris Lawson with the Town Mayor, Spike Mayhew, Chief Inspector Anita Turner and Robert Muggeridge, Community Champion at Tesco at the opening.